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GSO Test


New legislation comes into force on the 25th May 2018 which focuses on the way we gather, handle, store and dispose of data on our pupils, parents, staff and alumni.

We are working towards compliance of the new wider requirements.

This said the school already takes great care of the information given to us so we are already well on the way.  We have robust and secure systems for both our electronic and paper records.

Over the coming months, we will need to change a few of our systems in order to become fully compliant and give you the access that you are entitled to under the new legislation and will update this page as new things come on board. This legislation affects all of us and no doubt your own work places will also be making the required changes. We ask you to bear with us and thank you for your continued support for the school during these changes.

Some of the changes that you will see include;

  • Changes to forms
  • Changes to the way we ask for permissions
  • New declarations for Gift Aid
  • New privacy notices explaining in detail what we do with the information you provide us, what we use it for and who we share it with.
  • The introduction of the new Parent App


We will be looking at all the forms we use in the school and amending them to make them compliant.


As a school we are required to collect certain information in order to carry out our core functions of providing education and ensuring the welbeing and welfare of the children.

We do this on the legal basis that we are required to as an authority and therefore require no further permission to do this.  There are areas however where we do require your permission to use the information you have given us for activities other than our core functions. These include extra curricular activities, Parent Association events, Alumni events amongst others. For these additional activities we will seek your specific consent to use your information, this must be freely given, informed and unambiguous.

Gift Aid Declarations

As with the permissions above, we will be sending these out again to ensure they meet the higher standards and that we have a clear audit trail.

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